Thursday, 13 February 2014

Why don't people want to pay artists?

It always confuses me why people think that face painters will work for free. I have bills to pay, kit to replace and children to feed. I understand charities can not afford to pay out lots of expenses but they can charge a decent fee to split between the artist and the charity instead if only wanting to charge £1! They could also look for a sponsor!
I don't mind donating my time for causes close to my heart. But I value my profession. 

Sunday, 2 February 2014

It's twins!

I managed this pretty design for my twin mum to be belly painting

I have been painting again

My beautiful children have been letting me use them as face painting models. I have been trying out new styles and different takes on previous paintings. 
Some recent pics here 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Been busy painting and stuff

I have spent the last few months busy crocheting minion hats and pixie cardigans to the point that I have taken a month off as I had worn myself out!!! Instead I have been practicing my face painting butterflies as I am determined to improve them this year. 
Not too bad a practice I think :)

I have a lovely friend who is expecting twins this year so I now am trying to find something pretty to make, it will have to be two identical pretties and in white (my friend loves babies in white). Quite a tall order but my new quest has begun. Wish me luck :)

Friday, 26 July 2013

Vegan treats

I am so tired of buying expensive or tasteless treats that are semi-healthy. I love nakd bars but they are so pricey I can't justify them. Though that's probably why they are a treat. Anyway, I have decided to experiment and make my own nakd type treats. 
I raided the local health food shop yesterday and bought pitted dates, dried cherries, cocoa nibs and flaked coconut. Once home I broke out my food processor into it I added 1oz of each of the fruits and coconut and 1/2 oz of the cocoa nibs. I blitzed it all together then squished the yummy goodness into four truffle shaped rounds. They taste delicious and much tastier (and cheaper) than nakd coco loco bars. I have stored them in the fridge but don't think they will last long as I am on a treat myself Friday. 

Monday, 8 July 2013

Helping others

A good friend of mine is an amazing blogger. Yesterday she shared a link on Facebook calling out for help for someone wanting a character crochet camera lens cover from Sian at This lady cannot crochet and wants this lovely item. I took a look at the link and to my surprise there were no takers. Even though she has the pattern and is willing to supply all the yarn.  The pattern is a an original design by Sarah Goldschadt
I have no exciting projects on the go as its way to hot for wool at the mo. so I replied. I had a message back a couple of hours later. I now have the pattern for a really cute little doggie lens cover and plan on making this item this week, I will post photos when it's finished. 

First photo - ears and start of face 

Photo two - just needs a nose

Finished cover

Sian wearing her camera cover

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Belly bump painting

Today I painted my second baby bump. It was a lovely morning and my model is a beautiful young lady who is having a little boy. We decided on a cheeky monkey as she did not want anything too girly.
It took just over an hour to complete and mum-to-be loved it. Which gave me the happys.