Sunday, 11 November 2012

Christmas is coming.......

I have started my Christmas makes. Today I have managed a pair of Mary-Jane slippers - I am going to make them for all the ladies in my family if I have time, and in a variety of colours I hope as I will get bored if I keep doing the same old thing. I got this pattern from "I love crochet" magazine, however the first pair I made fit my 6 year old daughter. So I used a bigger needle size and added a couple of extra rows here and there.

My second Christmas make was a ribbed ear warmer headband. I love this so much I am definitely going to make one for myself

My husband is however, asking me to make him a willy-warmer!! #heneedshelp!!!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Spiders, Spiders, Spiders!!!

Last week whilst shamelessly promoting my facebook page, I had a request to make "woolly" from Woolly and Tig - this I have found out is a Cbeebies TV show. I had a look at the character and it appeared simple enough - I just needed to make 8 sausages for legs and convert my snowman pattern to make the body. I posted a picture
which led on to another 8 requests for Woolly - he is very popular and there are very few toys available. This is not official merchandise but my own interpretation. Here is a pic of the next two that I have made

I am going to be busy for a few more weeks I think :)

I have been sooooo busy making  spiders that I have not had time to come on the computer much, they take three days in three days in totoal to make each one and so far I have made 9 of them!!!

Heather Green face painting workshop

On Thursday the husband and I travelled to Bristol  to attend a workshop with Heather Green from Silly Farm. It was arranged by Illusion magazine's Claire Pick. I really enjoyed the day and discovered how much I still have to learn. I was given loads of tips and pointers to improve my work. The other attendees were lovely and I even got to meet the FACE welsh area rep - which reminds me I need to contact her and sort out insurance!
I practised during the day using a mannequin head which was a bizarre experience. I have only ever painted skin and faces prior to this. The texture and amount of paint / water you need is completely different, and the heads stain loads!!
Since returning it has renewed my desire to keep on face painting - so look out kids, Mum is going to get you!!!
Here are the photo's I took of the day. Heather, Jennifer and Claire were all amazing!!

I am also going to save up and get some BAM stencils as they make the art so much more spectacular.