Friday, 31 May 2013

I can blog on the go!!

I have just discovered a mobile app so I can blog on the move. This will hopefully stop me from going long periods without keeping updated. I am amazed at how easy it is to use and can even add photos. Not sure about adding hyperlinks and whatnot but could always add them at a later date. 
This is my first mobile writing. But now I need to charge my iPhone! Typical. 

My very first prenatal painting

Anyone that knows me, will be aware that I also dabble in face painting, it is a passion that has grown since having my two youngest children. This week I was able to paint my very first pregnant belly. It is the most amazing thing I have ever done. A good friend of mine is currently 28 weeks pregnant and agreed to be a model for me. And what a beautiful model she is. As it was my first I searched and searched the internet for ideas and had a head full of inspiration. On the day I felt excited yet nervous, mum to be had no expectations and gave me free reign of what to paint. I opted for something quite simple, as a first attempt I didn't want to knock my confidence.

There were a few errors and plenty of room for improvement, but my lovely model has agreed to let me practice again. Next time will be butterflies :) I am very very excited!

To busy to blog!!

I can not believe that I have not written anything since February. I have been so busy with crochet orders and family life I have had no time to keep a record.
I think the very long winter kept me crocheting more than I normally do, I had a flurry of orders for pixie style cardigans ranging from adults to babies. I still have not finished, there are three more children's sizes and another adult to go.
The one currently on my hook is orange and black stripes. I had no idea buying orange yarn would be so difficult. Locally there is cheap and nasty scratchy acrylic or not quite orange. So I had to buy online, my only problem with this is not being able to see the actual colour. But thanks to Deramores I got all that I needed.
I have made this cardigan for boys and girls in all different colours. It is so versatile and easily adaptable. Here are a few pics of the ones I have completed.

I have also joined a local "stitch and bitch" group, its an off shoot of a knit and natter as we all work so can not attend a day time group, we are all also about 30 years younger than the other ladies. Its a great evening out. Every Wednesday evening we meet at a local club with our crochet / knitting / sewing and discuss our project and ideas for new things. We have been fascinated by yarn bombing. So much so that we may have a sneaky plan for the summer. It is amazing how people in pubs just accept a group of ladies knitting and crocheting in full view, we have had a few people come to ask us what we are doing but it has all been really positive.