Thursday, 3 January 2013

Granny Squares

I have decided that as I have no requests for goods at the moment that I would make a start on some stuff for me and the family. My mum has expressed an interest in a granny square throw or afghan. I have an endless supply of scraps of wool - it is taking over a room in my house! So I thought that this would be a useful project and possible present for my mother.
Yesterday I made 10 granny squares, they are fairly easy to make and quite pretty. This morning I got to thinking where on earth does the name granny square come from?? I looked on wikepidia - as this is the fountain of all modern day knowledge but after reading their page I was still left wondering.

Further web based searching I found out this:-

According to a 1946 article attributed to the Oregon Worsted Company, the thrifty women of early America would carefully save scraps of yarn and fibre unravelled from old sweaters and socks.  As these scraps accumulated, they were crocheted into small squares; the colours combined on the whim of the craftsman.  The squares were then sewn together to make a blanket which was both functional and colourful.  Because grandma was no longer up for manual labour, she was often the one to sew the squares together, thus they became GRANNY SQUARES

and so now I know!!! 

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